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[E] ajar
[E] ajar
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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============= Username: ajar When you were banned : Do not know exact time - about two months ago Person who banned you: N/A Reason you were banned: I was duping fences and stealing. Please forgive me and un-ban me as i will be a great asset to this server. I promise not to steal again or dupe. Zionia said i would be un-baned. That was a little under 2 months ago. Please un-ban me. =============
over 12 years ago
The few times i have been trying to log on to minetown a got kicked for either: stealing or duping fences. I will return all stolen goods immediately if i am allowed back on to the server. I am sincerely sorry i duplicated fences. I did not realise farm gates was illegal. I will promise never to steal again or dupe fences again. Please forgive me.
over 13 years ago
============= Username: ajar When you were banned : A few days ago, I am not too sure. Person who banned you: N/A Reason you were banned: I was duping fences. I did not know that duping fences would get me banned. I didn't realise this was illegal on this server. I am sincerely sorry. This was an honest mistake. Please un-ban me, as i will do great things for this server. =============
over 13 years ago
Recently i was banned. I got banned for stealing (which i greatly regret and if i get back on to the server i will repay generously to my victim) now, my banning from stealing has passed, i have a new ban. This one is duping fences. THERE IS NO RULE STATING THAT YOU CANNOT DUPE FENCES WITH GATES!! I do not understand this, as i thought it was perfectly legal. This is extremely unfair on my behalf. Please, stop banning me for fences, if you want i'll throw them away. Please just let me back on the server!! I will build great things, and respect the community.
over 13 years ago